The two-day holiday of Shavuot, which begins on the evening of Thursday, May 28 this year, is a harvest festival that also celebrates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.
Shavuot, or the “Feast of Weeks,” is celebrated seven weeks after Passover and traditions include an all-night study session called Tikkun Leil Shavuot, special synagogue prayers including the recitation of the 10 Commandments, the reading of the Book of Ruth, and eating dairy foods.
In this age of the coronavirus, Shavuot observances will look a little different this year, as most synagogues are closed. However, there are several online resources available and some synagogues may offer live-stream services. ( offers some at-home resources in “Shavuot in the Age of Corona.”)
Chef Melinda McNeil of the East Valley JCC’s Challah Factory has prepared some delicious dairy recipes for you to help you celebrate Shavuot at home. Click on the images below for a printable recipe sheet.