Get involved! Donate, write letters, knit hats, send care packages.

Your donations allow the LSP to support Lone Soldier Centers in Israel that fulfill many of the lone soldiers’ personal needs. Staff members and other lone soldiers create a supportive family community with programs such as Shabbat and holiday meals, services and celebrations. Holiday packages are distributed throughout the country to those on duty assignments. Please donate to help them to overcome homesickness and loneliness on these occasions. To donate, please call 480-897-0588 or click on the button to submit an online donation form.

Donate to LSP

Lone Soldier Project

Lone Soldiers are courageous and dedicated young Jews from all around the world who volunteer to serve in the Israel Defense Forces. Without families in Israel, some soldiers may suffer from loneliness, especially when they have time off from their extremely demanding military duty and on Shabbat and holidays.

LSP shows appreciation for their commitment by supporting Lone Soldier Centers that serve as their home away from home. We are grateful they are creating a secure Israel and Jewish homeland.

Follow the Lone Soldier Project on Facebook

Hanukkah Greetings

Show support for lone soldiers in the IDF

The Lone Soldier Project sent hundreds of letters and messages to Israel in 2024, as part of the eighth  annual Hanukkah Greeting Campaign. 

The East Valley JCC’s Lone Soldier Project raises funds to provide support for lone soldiers serving in the Israel Defense Forces. The funds will go toward providing Shabbat and holiday meals at lone soldier centers in Israel, as well as provide supplies to make knitted hats that help keep the soldiers warm during cold nights on duty.

Write On, Write On.

It’s never been so easy to send correspondence to an IDF Soldier!

The EVJCC will forward your message directly to men and women defending Israel on our behalf.

Send your words of appreciation and encouragement to courageous, committed young people!

Submit your greeting at


Knit Kindness!

You can knit winter hats for the IDF soldiers and support the Lone Soldiers Project.

Hats provide both physical warmth and emotional support. Feel good knowing that somewhere on a cold winter night, a soldier doing guard duty will be wearing one of your warm, hand-knitted hats! Contact us at to learn more and receive the hat pattern.


Community Education

Want to learn more about Lone Soldiers?  We’ll present a virtual multimedia presentation that discusses the Lone Soldier experience in their words. 

Camaraderie and sense of purpose while serving in the IDF is always a highlight. Loneliness, and home sickness are challenges, especially when off duty.

We’ll help you learn the solutions to these issues – Presentations are available for all ages, from school-age through seniors.

Contact us at to schedule a presentation.