JBox meal delivery
JBox provides a monthly kosher meal delivered to those in need in the East Valley.
The meals are prepared by Chef Melinda McNeil in the East Valley JCC’s kitchen, which is under the kosher supervision of Rabbi Michael Beyo. The meals are delivered by volunteers.
JBox, the EVJCC’s kosher meal delivery program, began in 2016 as Ladles of Love and is a recipient of the Center for Jewish Philanthropy’s 2023 Belle Latchman Community Service Award. Learn more here.
Next delivery: Wednesday, Sept. 18
Click below to request a meal for yourself
or someone you feel could benefit from a meal.
Delivery area: East Valley
Register by Monday, Sept. 9 for delivery on Wednesday, Sept. 18.
In addition to the kosher meal delivery, the JBox Food Pantry, in partnership with St. Vincent de Paul, provides kosher groceries for pick-up at the East Valley JCC. To learn more about upcoming food pantry dates and to register, visit evjcc.org/foodpantry.
As the demand for meals increases within our Jewish community, donations to JBox are always appreciated.
Donations can include direct donations or gift cards to grocery stores where kosher foods and fresh fruits and vegetables are offered.
Donations of unused kitchen supplies and utensils are also needed to sustain operations. Gift cards to stores that also sell kitchen or restaurant supplies are also appreciated, because JBox can always use items like another bowl, cutting board, knife, foil or packaging.
Acceptable kitchen supply donations include:
*Because the kitchen is kosher, all items need to be new and left in their original packaging.
Large Mixing Bowls
Cutting Boards
Large Frying Pans
Large Pots (various depths)
Aluminum Foil
Plastic Wrap
Ziploc Bags
Large To-Go containers
Spatulas (heat resistant)
Metal Tongs
Large Mixing Spoons
Liquid measuring cups
Disposable aluminum pans
8oz Bottled Drinks
Dry or Canned Goods – OU Kosher labeled
*items will be packaged alongside meal deliveries as supplemental items