Camp Rimon

Now registering for Spring Camp and Summer Camp!

Open Beit Midrash

Current Classes

Jewish Ethics & Morals in Today’s World”
“What are the 613 Commandments?”
Weekly Parsha Class

Creating a strong, connected community

We put the J in the front and the Community in the Center.

The mission of the East Valley JCC is to be a center for social, cultural and educational activities to engage families and individuals through Jewish values throughout their lifetime. We welcome you to come check out our programs! No membership required.



From Our Blog

EVJCC launches Six Million Voices

EVJCC launches Six Million Voices

Arizona U.S. Representative Greg Stanton hosted a reception on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. on Jan. 31 to officially launch Six Million Voices, the East Valley JCC's new global nonprofit and immersive Holocaust education initiative. In the past two years, more than...

Engage with your community, be inspired and learn something new!

We offer a wide variety of high quality, high impact and critically needed programs and events.
EVJCC Calendar