Step-by-Step Jewish Genealogy

Tuesdays, Feb. 4-25 | 7:30-8:30 p.m.


Join genealogy expert Judi Missel in this four-week class to explore your family’s history.

The series will be held on Zoom. There is no cost to attend; registration is required.


Registration is now closed.

Each week will cover a different aspect of the process so it’s recommended to attend all four sessions.

Feb.  4    Beginning Your Genealogy Journey

Feb. 11   Exploring USA Resources

Feb. 18   Jewish Genealogy Resources and Heading Offshore

Feb. 25   Using DNA and Breaking Through Brick Walls

About the Instructor

Judi Missel, a member of the Phoenix Jewish Genealogy Group and the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies, has been fascinated by genealogy for over 30 years. She has researched a variety of biographies and family histories. Judi frequently speaks about the Holocaust and Hungarian research and also teaches people how to start their own personal genealogy journey. 

There is no charge to attend this program, though donations are appreciated to help support educational and holiday programming at the East Valley JCC.