There are several resources for parents in existence, including magazines, blogs and books, but how about for grandparents?
In celebration of National Grandparents Day, which falls on Sept. 12, 2021, we thought we’d share some information about the Jewish Grandparents Network, which the East Valley JCC has recently partnered with to share some of their resources with the Greater Phoenix Jewish community.
The organization started in August 2017 “with a conversation between co-founders Lee M. Hendler and David Raphael about the under-recognized role of grandparents and the complex dynamics of today’s ‘new Jewish family,’ ” according to the organization’s website,

The site’s website features stories and essays by grandparents, family members and professionals, as well as activity suggestions – such as Grandparents’ Scavenger Hunt, which helps grandchildren learn more about their family’s history – and a Tzedek Box, which is a family journal of righteous acts that aims to provide a way to pass along Jewish values and commitments throughout generations.
There are also several articles about how grandparents can connect with their grandchildren during the pandemic, as well as recipes, book recommendations and more. See these articles here.
The organization also conducted the first national study of Jewish grandparents.
Learn more about submitting your own stories to the Jewish Grandparents Network blog here.
The EVJCC plans to share more of the network’s resources in our newsletter and on social media. If you have ideas for programming for grandparents and grandchildren, send your suggestion to