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Divorce, Insanity and Halacha

March 5 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am MST

This class, taught by Karolyn Benger, explores the fascinating legal case of the Gett of Cleves, a pivotal moment in Jewish legal history that sheds light on the intersection of mental health and Halacha (Jewish law). The case centers around a controversial 16th-century divorce in Cleves. The circumstances surrounding the divorce — specifically, the man’s mental state and the dispute about who has Rabbinic authority — addresses halachic and ethical questions. We will examine how “insanity” is understood halachically and determine if it was applied appropriately in this case.

Karolyn Benger is a rabbinical student at Yeshivat Maharat (2026). She was the executive director of the Phoenix Jewish Community Relations Council and executive director of the Atlanta Jewish Interest Free Loan.

She graduated from Emory University with a degree in political science, specializing in the Middle East, and studying Arab and Islamist opposition groups in Egypt. Karolyn has taught at Emory University, Georgia Tech, and Emerson College and speaks regularly about Women in Judaism, Dynamic Changes in Jewish Law, Modern Day Challenges to Halacha, and much more. Her writing has been published in the Arizona Republic, eJewish Philanthropy, Ritualwell, Blue Avocado, The Times of Israel, and Bina.

Karolyn is a board member of the Arizona Interfaith Movement and a mentor in the Women’s Leadership Institute. Karolyn is a social justice activist working with diverse community members. 


March 5
10:30 am - 11:30 am MST
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